IQSites - Smart Website for Your Business Development

For Network Companies

Build a Strong Network of Websites
for Your Consultants.

We have created a tremendous platform. It will allow each of your partners to automatically start a ready-for-use beautiful website at their own address (like, which they can manage. The site will be filled with materials about your products, and designed in the corporate style of your company. We also promote all these sites, support clients, and arrange trainings on online business promotion.

Great Product
Created for Efficient Operation

The unique technology of IQSites allows you to quickly deploy an online network of websites, to promote your brand, to increase sales enormously, and to ensure the growth of your partners' structure. This technology makes the work of your consultants much more efficient.

Easy and Rapid Deployment of Any Scale

1.We create an ideal website of your company's partner. Our designers make a stunning design, we prepare texts and other materials the consultant must have on his/her website. The result is stored in a new template. Examples: Oriflame, Avon. Our own website has also been made on this platform and may be an example.

2. Together with you, we organise the product promotions for the consultants of your company. They may be in the form of presentations delivered by our professional speakers, e-mails on behalf of the Company with the recommendation to start a website, or any other promo-actions. According to our experience, there are up to 100% effective sales of websites to consultants! All these partners start their sites based on the template - online automatically. The sites are free, the partners paying a nominal monthly fee.

3. We provide a group of IQSites personal managers whose mission is to supervise your partners: to teach them to use the website, and promote your business online. In addition, we have created a large number of video tutorials and instructions on how to achieve significant results with the help of the Internet.

The Best Advertising Platform on the Internet.
More Ways to Optimise Your Work.

With the new system of IQSites run by our unique software and powerful servers, you will have everything to build your business in a new way. As a result of our cooperation, there will be hundreds upon thousands of sites on the Internet maintained by your partners promoting your products online. It will be enough for you to share the information re events, campaigns, updating the product line etc. with us, and it will be on the template. Automatically all the sites of your structure will have this update.
IQSites Is the Best PR Arena
One Could Imagine!

The websites of IQSites have become a standard tool for business. They have fantastic integrated features ready to operate on the spot. This platform has all that you need.

Wonderful Unique Features


Full Automation and Control.
High Performance.
Simple and Comprehensible Interface.
A new site is registered online on the site of the platform created for your company within a few minutes. Fill in the form, and just in a few hours (as required by the domain name registration) your consultant can start working on his/her website. All the opened sites are centrally visible on your Control Panel. Users can instantly get all template updates. Similarly, all software updates are set by us automatically. The e-mail distribution to all consultants will be available to you.
We use advanced technology, the servers are equipped with modern processors and provide fast memory performance and high productivity. All the software is developed by the best programmers from scratch, precisely to address the required tasks. The platform is optimised for maximum high loads. Therefore, all sites created within IQSites work very quickly. The process of managing these sites is pleasant and productive. We pay great attention to computer security, a separate department being responsible for this job. Data protection is the foundation of the system, not just a collateral issue.

The IQSites platform makes it easy to create, publish and perform any business task. It feels convenient and natural to interact with the website. Your own mobile App makes the content management easy and enjoyable. We made every effort to simplify and at the same time keep the functionality of the site at a professional level. Your partners will understand how to manage their sites very quickly, and will enjoy their work. In addition, we organise training courses, webinars and presentations regularly, as well as provide support for all customers.

Significant Improvement of Reputation.
Strengthen the Position of the Brand on the Internet!

The satisfied consumers often use products without many words. In contradistinction to the dissatisfied, who post negative reviews on the Internet at once. This leads to such effects:

"I talked to somebody for the first time, and gave him my business card. He read about our network company on the Internet. End of the story. He is a lost customer. So I stopped giving business cards to people.

Your customers are intelligent. They surf the Internet. If they do so straight after the meeting, it is likely that they can find negative reviews, and refuse to cooperate. Cooperation with IQSites means that on the Internet there appear hundreds and thousands of positive, friendly websites of your consultants, each full of positive feedback and compliments. All these sites are located at the top of search engines, and turn the mountain of the negative feedback into a molehill by means of their positive information. This dramatically affects sales in general. Due to the deep integration of sites with social networks , the IQSites system transfers this result to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ and even to VK.

Grandiose Sales Increase
of Each Consultant and Your Favourite Company.
All partners promoting their business via the Internet will use the most advanced sales technology and get good results. Now multiply these results by the number of your consultants. The volume of sales will grow by leaps and bounds! The great news is that our offer is absolutely free for your company. We actually spend very little budget on the development of the template, and provide all our technology for free. Our business is built on the low cost of website subscription service (about $80 per month only) paid for by consultants.

Fill up the capture from below to learn more about the wonderful technology of IQSites, and start our mutually beneficial cooperation.
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